30th July 2006

Block Ads in Safari and OmniWeb

posted in mac os x |

My first try was going to pimpmysafari.com and look for Adblock plugins. I decided to use SafariBlock and got the list of blocked URL’s from yoyo. But than I started Safari and everything was awesome laggy. I couldn’t even scroll the engadget site while it was loading. So I guess the filter list was too much for that little plugin.

Next I tried BFilter which was pretty fast but had no nice GUI for the filter lists and that’s a no-go in OS X 🙂

Finally I found this weblink describing how to modify the "etc/hosts" file in Mac OS X.

  1. So just go to yoyo and get the list in host file format (copy to clipboard).
  2. Open some Terminal.app and enter this command:
    sudo /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit /etc/hosts
  3. Paste the filter list right under all the existing entries into the TextEdit window and save the changes.
  4. Relog or reboot and you are done !

Additionally I used the userContent.css from floppymouse and used it both with Safari and OmniWeb by just setting the "Style Sheet" option in both browsers preferences.

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